
DUBAI POP is an important plan of Graficonsul Group, activated in the within of the Operation/Plan co-finanziato from POR FESR Tuscany 2014-2020.

Action "Incentives for the purchase of services to support internationalization in favor of SMEs" .

With the Dubai POP project, Graficonsul Group intends to strengthen its Know-how and Skills in an attractive market with strong development opportunities such as that of the United Arab Emirates.

In fact, due to their strategic geographical position, at the center of the main east-west commercial lines and, due to the degree of openness and the high propensity for a free trade regime, they constitute an interesting and strategic market to be penetrated.

Graficonsul will continue to support multinational companies already present in the UAE with its services, directly on site, thanks to the opening of an office in DUBAI, Representative and Showroom, that customers can visit during their missions in Dubai; a space set up to illustrate the products of the Tuscan parent company and to give quick answers to requests related to the development of projects.

The project involves the implementation of new commercial strategies.

After a first phase of study and development, the intent of Graficonsul is also to participate in EXPO DUBAI 2021 an important international trade fair to be held in DUBAI: this will constitute a significant showcase for the company and an opportunity for the activation of relationships and the establishment of new relationships and commercial channels.